Our Giving Goals/results

Our giving results this year:
Raised so far: $ 2595
Rotary Foundation
CareBC - Meals on Wheels - $500
Giving Tues - Rotary Foundation - $150
Union Gospel Mission: $545
Hoop-a-thon - $1400
Our Giving Goals/results Nigel Bullers 2023-09-05 07:00:00Z 3

Help for the Food Bank

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Rotarians Making a Difference 
To John Wu, Rotarian -   Following our conversation last evening, here is the timeline of the break-in at the Friends in Need Food Bank.
On January 5, 2023, at approximately 4:45am three suspects pried open the front door at the food bank administration entrance and set off the alarm. At about 5:30am they came back and smashed their way into the food bank through an upstairs locked door and kicked in each office door looking for anything of value. 
The thieves stole three laptops and the small safe that was bolted to the floor. Luckily the safe had been emptied the day before and any gift cards that were inside were all able to be canceled. They then left the building at approximately 6am with whatever they could carry.
We have realized now that our security alarm and camera system needed to be upgraded. Also, all the office doors, the front main aluminum door and the safe needed to be replaced. 
We appreciate Columbia Security for coming in and giving us advice on how to better secure our premises and for installing all new cameras and alarms at a reasonable cost. We also thank you John, for personally offering a $500 donation to our organization.
We currently have close to 4000 registered clients that use our services weekly, and our registrations have been increasing by nearly 30 new clients every month for the past year. Our food bank serves clients in Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, the Maple Ridge Seniors Centre, including home delivery for those unable to personally attend our location. We also provide any excess perishable food that we have, to nearly 20 community and non-profit groups in the area.
A break-in like this affects not only our clients but also our volunteers and staff. 
Thank you for your help getting us back on our feet. 
Despite all the damage, thanks to our volunteers, we were able to continue food service to our clients without missing a day.
Thank you for all you have done to help us get back on our feet.
In addition to his Donation, John is working to install new security systems and provide expertise all free of charge - Thank you John.
Help for the Food Bank nigel Bullers 2023-03-04 08:00:00Z 8

Care BC Donation

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Donation to Care BC  https://www.carebc.ca/  
Fraserview Rotary raised and donated $1,469 to Care BC, this money ewas raised through the Chrsitmas event and dinner on Dec 22nd.  Thank you to everyone that helped make the vent a sucess.
Care BC Donation Nigel Bullers 2023-02-01 08:00:00Z 8

Holiday Gala & Fundraiser

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This Holiday Season we have a Rotary Dinner and fundraiser with the live band we have known and come to love  XOX..   Our own Rotary member Jasmine Wong is one of the 4 singers. in the band.

This event will be just over the Bridge into Richmond at the continental seafood restauant. There will be prizes, and awards and Live Music.

This is a Fundraiser for the Rotary Foundation and for The Health and Home Care Society of BC

(About Care BC) is an independent and BC-based not-for-profit organization. 
They continually work to achieve our mission: To provide health promotion and supportive care services to communities in British Columbia.  https://www.carebc.ca/
Holiday Gala & Fundraiser Nigel Bullers 2022-10-25 07:00:00Z 3

Shoreline cleanup

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Saturday, September 24th at Locarno Beach in Vancouver! Together with the Vancouver Mountainview and Vancouver Yaletown Rotary clubs, there was a shoreline beach cleanup community volunteer opportunity for our club members. beginning at 9:00am for coffee, followed by equipment distribution and cleanup, then ending with a potluck lunch.
We had a number of our club members join and help make a difference for our BC shoreline.. Thanks to everyone.
SPECIAL THANKS TO TOM & JERRY....  No, Not this Tom & Jerry, but the real ones... the two sons of our newest club members Matt and Miya, the boys came out that day and helped clean up the shoreline, Thanks so much to them... 2 Rotarians in the making for the future!
Shoreline cleanup Nigel Bullers 2022-10-18 07:00:00Z 7

Our Giving Goals 2022/23

Raised so far this Year: $25, 338.00
fundraising thermometer
Rotary Foundation $1,870
Polio - $1,696
Giving Tuesday Rotary Foundation- $9,670
BCCare - $1469
Rotary Foundation Xmas drive - $2,897
Food Bank - $1,200
Hoopathon 2023 - $1,025
Rise to Shine Foundation - $1,123
Our Giving Goals 2022/23 Nigel Bullers 2022-09-12 07:00:00Z 6

2022-23 presidential theme

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Rotary International President Jennifer Jones wants members to imagine the possibilities in the change they can make to transform the world.

Jones, a member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, revealed the 2022-23 presidential theme, Imagine Rotary, as she urged people to dream big and harness their connections and the power of Rotary to turn those dreams into reality.

Watch the theme address

“Imagine, a world that deserves our best,” Jones told incoming district governors on 20 January, “where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.”

Jones, who will make history on 1 July by becoming Rotary’s first female president, gave a live online address to precede Rotary’s annual training event for district governors from around the world, the International Assembly. The assembly was rescheduled because of the COVID-19 pandemic and will now be held virtually 7-14 February.

Jones told the incoming governors about a chance she took when a member asked for assistance in getting a young peace activist out of Afghanistan during the U.S. troop withdrawal last year. At first unsure how she could help, she relied on “that certain Rotary magic” and contacted a former Rotary Peace Fellow she had met a few years earlier. Less than 24 hours later, the activist was on an evacuation list, and soon she was on her way to Europe.

2022-23 presidential theme nigel Bullers 2022-07-01 07:00:00Z 5

Rotary delivers a Fire Rescue Truck to Ukraine

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Rotarians in Southern Scotland have partnered with their counterparts in the US and Canada (District 5050) to deliver a Fire Rescue Truck to the city of Chernihiv in war torn northern Ukraine.

This article was first published on the District 1020 Website.
Chernihiv was under siege from late February until early April and endured some of the fiercest bombing of the war. This resulted in considerable damage, in particular to high rise residential properties where residents were often trapped and unable to escape. The rescue of these residents was rendered particularly difficult because of the height of the buildings, highlighting the need for specialist rescue apparatus to access these very tall buildings.
Kyrylo Pesenkov, president of the Rotary Club of Kyiv appealed to the worldwide Rotary community for their support to address this issue. He had identified a Fire Rescue Truck equipped with a 30 metre long extension ladder which would be the ideal solution to the dilemma facing the Chernihiv rescue services.
The fire truck was sourced from Austria but would cost $50,000 to purchase, upgrade and deliver to Ukraine.
Enter the Rotary Club of Edinburgh.
The Edinburgh club had been one of six clubs worldwide who were instrumental in the setting up of the Kyiv club following the demise of the Soviet Union and the birth of the newly independent Ukraine, the five other partner clubs being based in the USA and Canada.
On the outbreak of war in Ukraine, RI General Secretary John Hewko, himself a charter member of the Kyiv Club, asked the co-sponsor clubs and their districts to collaborate again. Since then, representatives of the Kyiv Club and District, the six sponsor clubs and their Districts have been meeting regularly by Zoom to identify ways to share what is working to raise awareness, donations and RI Disaster Response Grants.
The Edinburgh Club responded swiftly and positively to the appeal from president Kyrylo Pesenkov, and through Zoom were soon in contact with their North American counterparts, devising a strategy to get the Fire Rescue Truck to Chernihiv where it was most needed.
Rotary International had established a Ukraine Disaster Fund to finance and source relief projects to support the citizens of Ukraine. Rotarians worldwide have raised in excess of $15 million for this fund, and grants of up to US$25,000 are available to Rotary Districts who create suitable projects.
The purchase, upgrade and delivery of a Fire Rescue Truck met every aspect of the criteria to be eligible for grant funding, so the Edinburgh Club obtained the support of their own district, D1020, and co-sponsors in District 5050, (Washington State & British Columbia) to move the project forward.
Each District would apply for the maximum grant of $25,000 to fund the $50,000 purchase, upgrade and delivery price.
Both Grants were speedily approved and the wheels were set in motion for the delivery of the Fire Rescue Truck. It was driven to Latvia while the financial arrangements were finalised, then via Poland to the Ukranian border where a reception committee was waiting to make the final leg of the journey to the city of Chernihiv.
The Fire Rescue Truck was safely received by the Chernihiv Fire and Rescue Service on Monday 13th of June and given a traditional hosedown to recognise and welcome the new appliance.
Find out how Rotary districts can apply for a grant from the Disaster Response Fund https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-responds-ukraine-crisis   
Canadian and US Rotary districts may apply for grants of US$25,000 to support Ukraine. Districts can combine disaster response grants to fund larger projects and shipments.
Rotary delivers a Fire Rescue Truck to Ukraine nigel Bullers 2022-06-21 07:00:00Z 5

Golf Day

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The 3rd Golf event too place on Friday May 27th at Mylora Golf Course in Richmond.  We raised some funds for the Rotary Foundation and had many guests.   
One group got an Eagle, and we had door prizes.
Thanks to everyone that supported this event.
Golf Day Blair Montgomery 2022-05-28 07:00:00Z 6

Paul Harris

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On 19 April, we celebrate the anniversary of Rotary founder Paul Harris’ birth. Paul Harris was born in 1868 in Racine, Wisconsin, USA, and thanks to his vision, today Rotary members around the world are uniting to take action and create lasting change. There are many ways to celebrate on 19 April, including by reading about Harris’ life.
Paul Harris Nigel Bullers 2022-04-19 07:00:00Z 5

50 years of Membership

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Today, April 1st 2022, Don Patrick marks 50 years of service as a member of the Rotary Club of Squamish. He was recognised at the weekly meeting with a certificate, a cake, and of course a bottle of wine!
Don joined the club on April 1st, 1972. He served as Club President in 1975-76 and has held most other executive positions, including Secretary, Treasurer, and Foundation Chair.
Don started the Club 200 lottery fundraiser and has been the chair for most of its 43 years, raising $10,000/year for the Squamish community. In addition he has been the driving force of the Rotary Bike Safety Rodeos - an annual event in the Squamish Elementary Schools.
50 years of Membership Nigel Bullers 2022-04-01 07:00:00Z 4

Lower Mainland Rotary Foundation Dinner 2022

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You are all invited to an evening of Fun, Fellowship, Fundraiser event of the Lower Mainland Rotary Clubs for the benefit of the District Rotary Foundation.  This will be on April 23, 2022, Saturday at the Palace, Riverside Banquet Halls at 14431 Knox Way, Richmond BC.  Doors open at 5:30pm and be treated to a Filipino way of welcoming guests with entertainment and free appetizers.   Drinks can be bought at the Riverside Bar.   Dinner will be served at 7:00 pm. We will have auction and 50/50.  There will be great performances and dancing all night. Tickets is at $100.00 per person. 

Buy your tickets by scanning the QR Code on the poster or click this link: 



Lower Mainland Rotary Foundation Dinner 2022 Erin Shum 2022-03-24 07:00:00Z 3

“I support Ukraine” pins

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Last week our DG Lorne spoke about ShelterBox and the wonderful work they are doing in the Ukraine.
I decided to help out for this cause!   I am selling “I support Ukraine” pins, with net proceeds being donated to ShelterBox Canada —  the pins cost $15 and I am donating $10 — the remainder covers supplies.  Recently I raised $2,500 for the Abbotsford/Merritt flood victims with my BC Strong keychains.
Purchases can be made through me or through my website. https://asyouwishcustomdesigns.com/.../i-support-ukraine...  So far $270 has been raised.
“I support Ukraine” pins nigel Bullers 2022-03-24 07:00:00Z 9

Ukrainian describes leaving Kyiv, using Rotary network to help others

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By Iryna Bushmina, District 2232 (Ukraine) Rotaract Representative

Iryna Bushmina
Iryna Bushmina

Ileft Kyiv in the first hours of the war. My sister, her husband, her 3-month-old baby and a cat were in the car. When we reached the border, men were already not allowed to leave the country, so I went on with my sister and a little nephew. We were five days in the car, six days until we got to Vienna.

We stayed for the night in different countries three times. These were not hotels but homes of Rotary and Rotaract families. I used to just say that Rotary International is a big family, now I really believe it. And I am convinced that this is a family that will stand by you. These are no longer beautiful words to me, this is reality.

I was still in the car when I got the idea to mobilize Rotaract Europe. I realized that I was not the only one who needed help and support. My sister was driving, and I had my hands free. I started writing to all chats I knew where there were Rotaractors about the situation in Ukraine. A lot of Rotaractors instantly responded. People immediately created groups with different directions and helped me to lead them. These were not perfectly thought-out projects, but they were projects that started working from the first day.

Rotaract responded very quickly, and I realized that we needed to start very rapidly with the small projects to help Rotarians and Rotaractors of Ukraine find accommodations in other countries. Now, the project has grown, and we are helping many Ukrainians find a new home for the first time. We have lined up more than 2,000 host families to take in refugees.

The requests we are processing vary from assistance with relocating, to finding accommodations, to providing other humanitarian support. Right now, there is a big request for help for the defense forces for helmets, thermal imagers, body armor, and the like.

Some cities ask for simple things – food and water. And that’s what hurts the most. Especially when we all realize that the Russian army is blocking us from bringing humanitarian aid to civilians and they are dying from hunger and dehydration.

There are more than 100 people in my international team alone and around 50 people in the Ukrainian team. I don’t know exactly how many Rotaract members are involved in helping Ukraine. Each country has its own projects. Some clubs also organize assistance separately. Some are more involved, some less, but even the smallest contribution is valuable and could save lives.

We work in four directions:

1. Distribute truthful information about the situation in Ukraine

2. Find accommodation and hosts for Ukrainians in flight

3.  Send humanitarian aid

4. Securing financial support for those that need it

Not all of the people write or express their gratitude. But to be honest, I don’t expect this. After what these people have gone through – the fear, stress, spending three to four days at the border – we do not need them to say, “thank you.” We just need to make sure these people are safe and that they get what they need to survive and help others.

Now is the time for understanding. Of course, when some of the people do write their appreciation, it is a pleasure.

The Rotary Foundation has created a channel for direct humanitarian support in the Ukraine region. Follow updates on how Rotary members are providing humanitarian relief on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn, and on Rotary.org and My Rotary.

Ukrainian describes leaving Kyiv, using Rotary network to help others nigel Bullers 2022-03-20 07:00:00Z 1


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Hoop-A-Thon 2022
Mark your Calendars…the 2022 Strathcona Rotary Youth Leadership Hoop-A-Thon will be on  Saturday, April 23…
What is Hoop-A-Thon
The Rotary Hoop-A-Thon is an annual basketball fundraising event that helps hundreds of kids in East Vancouver. Money is raised by donations and pledges based on the number of successful free throws a player can sink in one minute.
Watch our German Rotary Partners sink an amazing 71% from the free throw line:
All of the funds raised will go to the kids! Including…

-Grade 12 Post-Secondary Scholarships
-Strathcona Community Centre Basketball Program
-Youth Leadership Training in East Vancouver
Since 2006 ROTARY has raised over $460,000 - helping kids through education,
teamwork, leadership skills, community involvement and respect for others. 
Rotary has no overhead costs for this project…ALL the money you donate goes to the kids!
Who Do We Help?
All of the funds raised from The Strathcona Rotary Youth Leadership Hoop-A-Thon goes to the kids. Money is awarded in scholarships, the SCC Basketball Program and leadership training. 
Scholarships help individual students with their tuition and other costs for college and university. All of the students who receive funding have demonstrated their commitment to community service, youth leadership and volunteerism - and have a verified need for financial support due to family and individual circumstances.
Hoopathon Ram Nayyar 2022-03-10 08:00:00Z 8

My Family wants to help the families of the Ukraine

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My name is Jasmine Wong, I am one of the newest members of the Rotary Club of Fraserview, I joined because I want to make a difference.   I am a piano teacher, and sometimes a singer/ performer in Vancouver. 
I am also a single mother of four young daughters, and while things at times can be hard especially during COVID, as it has been for everyone, my daughters and myself are shocked and worried about the families, the people in the Ukraine.  As we watch the news and events unfold, my daughters said to me; "Mom this is awful, those poor people what can we do to help them?"   
So,  I have decided that I would like to help by donating money from this week's lessons, and get it to Rotary so that they can get it to an organization that can get help to the families in need.
Our Rotary club is collecting money and then will donate to ShelterBox Canada who can get help to the people of Ukraine. I will start the donations and to start this effort, I am donating $100 to get the fund started, hopefully later I can do more.  Our membership Chair Nigel has already said he will match or beat the donation.... thank you Nigel, so now we have it started.  
Here are the option amounts that you can donate, we will post this here, and send out emails, perhaps if you don't mind, you could all send the same to your friends, family and business contacts with this simple plea from my 4 daughters and myself, can we please do whatever we can to help those families.  
From Our families in Canada to those families in the Ukraine, from our club members in Fraserview to those club members of Rotary Ukraine, which make up a portion of the displaced.
My hope is that we can make a difference for a few.
Thank you
Jasmine Wong,  Rotarian
Here are the ways to donate the links etc:
Simply choose a donation level and we wil donate on your behalf to SHELTOR BOX CANADA, who are raising money for the relief efforts:
$100.00 Donation
Other options/levels:
My Family wants to help the families of the Ukraine Jasmine Wong 2022-03-03 08:00:00Z 10

Rotary International statement on Ukraine conflict


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It is a tragic and sad time for the people of Ukraine and the world.

At Rotary, we are deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the escalating loss of life and humanitarian hardship there. Continued military action against Ukraine will not only devastate the region, but also risk spreading tragic consequences across Europe and the world.

As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, we have made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We join the international community in calling for an immediate cease fire, withdrawal of Russian forces, and a restoration of diplomatic efforts to resolve this conflict through dialogue.

In the past decade, Rotary clubs in Ukraine, Russia and nearby countries have transcended national differences and have actively engaged in peace-building projects to promote goodwill and to marshal assistance for the victims of war and violence. Today, our thoughts are with our fellow Rotary members and others in Ukraine coping with these tragic events. Rotary International will do everything in its power to bring aid, support and peace to the region.

Rotary International

Rotary International statement on Ukraine conflict  nigel Bullers 2022-03-03 08:00:00Z 7

Foundation Gala

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/655516472?h=c18cad0ef1" width="800" height="420" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p><a href="https://vimeo.com/655516472">
Foundation Gala nigel Bullers 2022-01-17 08:00:00Z 0

Donate Your Lunch

Posted on Dec 19, 2021
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Peace on Earth and goodwill...

This is the last opportunity to make a difference in our community in 2021.

Its easy, simply skip lunch one day so that others less fortunate can eat at this Christmas season!.

This Christmas, we will simply meet on line instead of at seasons and invite you to simply donate the $29.50 you would have spent, there will not be another lunch until mid Jan, so its easy.

Money will be added to what we raised at the event this week $2,147.00  Lets see if we cant get to $2500!!!



Donate Your Lunch Ram Nayyar 2021-12-19 08:00:00Z 5

Holiday Event Fund Raiser

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It's been over 2 years since the last major event and fundraiser, the last one we had a band and were in the Blue Martini, and that was a huge success. 

So this year we are going to duplicate the event and have a back to the Holidays dinner, band and fundraiser. 

Venue is the Fortune Terrace just over the bridge at the front part of Richmond, close to the Olympic centre.  The food is amazing, we had small event there, the people loved the food, and they have a great stage.

The Band is one of the best known in Richmond... Galaxy and play all the songs we love.

We need help as follows:

  • In order that we don't lose money we need people at the dinner... us and guests.
  • Prizes
  • Spread the word, non members would be great to be there.
  • Plan ahead and book early so we know the numbers, the more numbers we have the lower the cost of food per head and the more guarantee we make some profit to donate.

Money will be donated to both the Rotary Foundation and the Union Gospel Mission.



Holiday Event Fund Raiser Nigel Bullers 2021-11-18 08:00:00Z 10
Holiday Event Fund Raiser Nigel Bullers 2021-11-18 08:00:00Z 0

Giving Tuesday Nov 30th, 2021

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This year Giving Tuesday is Nov 30th, 2021 - Why not make Rotary your donation choice for Giving Tuesday.
We know that this is difficult given the challenges of COVID But those in need in the world also are having more difficulties and have more need during this period.
We make giving to a good cause easy, consider making Rotary and the Rotary Foundation your choice this year:, choose a level of support:
  • $10.00 Donation - Thank you!  Donate here
  • $25.00 Donation - Thank you, a lot! Donate here
  • $50.00 Donation -  Thank you, we are your friends forever now! Donate here
  • $75.00 Donation - We love you! Donate here
  • $100.00 Donation - A bucket of thanks!, the world Thanks you! Donate here
  • $200.00 Donation - You made a huge difference! The world and everyone thanks you! at this level, your company will be listed as a Silver web sponsor for 12 months Donate here
  • $300.00 Donation - Wow, just Wow - and as thanks donors at this level, your company will be listed as a Gold web sponsor for 12 months Donate Here
  • $500.00 Donation - How can we say thanks enough, we are wowed the world is grateful, you made a difference!  At this level your company will receive 24 months as a Platinum Sponsor on our website....  Donate here
It's easy to donate:
  1. select the contribution level above
  2. Simply Select GUESTS and register your name or company name, Select SAVE
  3. select the type of credit card fill in the details and it is done.
Why Choose Rotary and the Rotary Foundation?
  1. 92% of funds are spent on program awards and operations
  2. Rotary has a 4 STAR RATING - Charity Navigators highest rating!
Examples of how funds of all sizes are used:
Your gift makes a difference! Here are ways in which donations at any level make a difference, and how money is spent in the world:
$15.00 - Polio Vaccinations
$50 - Water Filter
$200 - Medical equipment
$500 - Anti-bullying Campaign
$1,000 - Conflict resolution training
$2,650 - An Irrigation System
Take action - Give now!
Giving Tuesday Nov 30th, 2021 Nigel Bullers 2021-11-04 07:00:00Z 7
Golf for fun and the Foundation Nigel Bullers 2021-10-02 07:00:00Z 6

Summer Barbeque and fundraiser

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The Summer Barbeque and fundraiser was held on Friday Aug 20th, and Rotarian Ajit Thandi offered up his backyard space for the event.  It was great night, lots of guests and new people attended.  
We raised almost $200 for the Rotary Foundation..
Thank you everyone, but especially Ajit and his family.
Summer Barbeque and fundraiser Ram Nayyar 2021-08-21 07:00:00Z 6

Rotarian of the Year

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DG Darcy Long presents John Bathurst, Assistant District Governor and member of the Rotary Club of Vancouver
with the Rotarian of the Year Award at this year's District 5040 Conference.
Rotarian of the Year nigel Bullers 2021-08-14 07:00:00Z 0
food bank - Thank you Nigel Bullers 2021-07-22 07:00:00Z 8

2021/22 Giving goals

This year we set the same target as last year $9,000 for all giving to all sources.   We are off with a quick lead to the year given how we restructured the membership fees this year, to include an out of the gate donation.     Total raised so far this year is : $22,470.00
Rotary Foundation - $2273.00
Polio - $2355.00
Rotary Foundation/Summer event - $187.00
Rotary Foundation Club Sponsorship - $400.00
Giving Tues - Rotary Foundation - $7,100
Rotary Foundation - Holiday event -$3,385.00
Union Gospel Mission - $3,290
Rotary Hoopathon - $1180
Ukraine Relief - $2300
2021/22 Giving goals Nigel Bullers 2021-07-06 07:00:00Z 9
GOLF fun &amp; Fundraiser Ram Nayyar 2021-05-27 07:00:00Z 10

International Project for Water

Recently we had the opportunity to contribute to an international project being championed by the West Vancouver Sunrise Rotary club. The RC Bulindo WASH project is a water and sanitation  global grant project  in  Uganda  they are leading.   The grant is  matched by District 5040  at 100%,  and by the Uganda district  at 150%, so  it  would  be a 3.5 times multiplied contribution at any level.    Our Club, Vancouver Fraserview, has donated $610, ($500 U.S.) to help this project.
Total budget for the project is just over $68,000
Bulindo is a neighborhood in Kira Municipality, Kyaddondo County, Wakiso District, in the Central Region of Uganda.
Facilitate and underground well drill project located in the area of the areas school, this will facilitate:
  • School children, Teachers and the close by health centre access to clean water
  • The nearby Community that will have access to clean water
  • The health clinic that serves the community
  • Clean water should reduce disruption time for students
  • Improved Hygiene practices
  • Reduce the incidence of water bourn deceases and the cost of medical attention for them.
  • Improve school grades for students
International Project for Water Ram Nayyar 2021-05-24 07:00:00Z 6
Help Vancouver Rotary Clubs Help the Kids! Ram Nayyar 2021-04-02 07:00:00Z 2

Announcing the Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary

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A Legacy That will Transform

The Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary will make it possible for students to reach for the stars and pursue their dreams after high school. This bursary will be available to any high school graduate of District 5040 and will be awarded to students who demonstrate:

  • being part of the Rotary family (Interactor)
  • examples of Service Above Self to the community
  • good citizenship
  • satisfactory academic progress
  • the commitment to continue their education or skills development.
There will be a formal application process. Details to follow.
Please donate by using the donate button below:
Donate with PayPal button
Announcing the Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary nigel Bullers 2021-04-02 07:00:00Z 9

Dave Hamilton

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From Darcy Long District Governor 2018-2019
March 30,2021
Dear Rotary Family,
It is with profound sadness I share with you the news of the passing of our beloved District Governor Dave Hamilton. Dave lost his battle with Prostate cancer last night (Mar 29), with Tanya by his side.
There has been such an outpouring of love from all of you, and I have no doubt Dave has felt it and it has helped to comfort him in his final days.
As that same love will help Tanya, and Dave’s family, in the days moving forward as we all grieve with them.
The Rotary Family has lost a true champion, humanitarian, and friend.
Due to the Covid Pandemic restrictions we are unable to meet in person to celebrate Dave at this time.
Rest assured as soon as there is an opportunity to gather, notice will go out for a celebration of life to be held at the Beach Grove Golf Club in Tsawwassen as per Dave’s request.
We will pass on more information as it becomes known to us.
Rest in Peace Dave. Thank you for sharing your dance moves with us.

You were an amazing friend and inspirational leader who will truly be missed.
With very heavy hearts,
Darcy and Doug
Dave Hamilton Erin Shum 2021-04-02 07:00:00Z 8
Foundation Virtual Event Ajit Thandi 2021-03-24 07:00:00Z 3

Help on its way to Belize

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Rotary World Help Sends much needed aid to Belize
Rotary clubs around Greater Vancouver and BC joined together to fund goods to be shipped to Belize that needed aid.  Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview was happy to help and received this wonderful letter from Rotary World Help
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the eleven clubs who answered our call for help to sponsor a container of medical supplies to be sent to Belize.  The container was loaded on Saturday and will be on its way to Belize soon. More photos can be found on our website.
We could not successfully continue the great work of assisting overseas communities without the commitment of our members so once again a big thank you to all of you and we look forward to a day, hopefully in the not to distant future when we can enjoy meeting each other in person at another container loading.
Yours in Rotary,
Bridget Jacob, LLB
Secretary, Rotary World Help
Help on its way to Belize Nigel Bullers 2021-03-22 07:00:00Z 8

Donate your Buns

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The regular End of March Meeting which again will be virtual. Zoom Link to follow.

A simple basket of buns is something we take for granted on the lunch or dinner table, but there are many areas of the world where this is not true, and this simple basket of bread would be seen as a gift for families that are starving.  A small amount of money like $2.50 also seems insignificant to us who are fortunate to live in Canada but again that $2.50 can do so much in starving communities, without the simple things is life like clean water, shelter and bread.

For this meeting we challenge the team to simply donate the value of the Buns they would have eaten at a real lunch.  So for this month its an easy $2.50 donation that again will go to the Rotary Foundation.

Donate your Buns nigel Bullers 2021-03-21 07:00:00Z 8

Donation For Rotary World Help

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Rotary World Help looks to help countries and groups around the globe a need for medical support has been identified in Belize and a request for aid has been received.
While the goods for the container are all donated and managed by the RWH, the funds to ship the container are not,  RWH is looking to see if a number of clubs could partner in providing funding for this Belize shipment,  and requires about $8,000 Canadian to ship and send the container to Belize. Currently the Rotary Club of Port Moody is delivering  on a Global Grant to assist with Literacy and education. This is going well and connection with the Rotary Club of Belize and the local community is very strong.
Our Club (Rotary Club of Fraserview) has stepped up and Donated $500 Canadian to help fund this container and move the medical supplies from the Warehouse to Belize where they are needed most.
Donation For Rotary World Help nigel Bullers 2021-02-27 08:00:00Z 4

Pink Shirt Day

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Purchase your official Pink Shirt Day merchandise and support anti-bullying initiatives in BC!
This Pink Shirt Day, our focus is working together and treating others with dignity and respect. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all and shown the importance of helping one another and advocating for those who need it. Help us “lift each other up” and support programs that encourage healthy self esteem and teach empathy, compassion and kindness.
Pink Shirt Day Nigel Bullers 2021-02-23 08:00:00Z 6

Donate your Lunch

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Union Gospel Mission

This year we ran a donate your lunch campaign with members given that we could not meet for lunch.   We chose to raise money for the Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver.  This drive was a huge success and we were able to collectively raise $700 for the Mission which equals about 200 meals for those in need in Vancouver.
We had executive members present the cheque to the mission pictured are: Ram, Ellen, and Blaire.
Donate your Lunch Ram Nayyar 2020-12-30 08:00:00Z 10

New Sponsors

We had some great donations from the recent Giving Tuesday, some so kind that they qualified for the sponsorship level and they have been added below and on the web site:
Gold - Mercedes Wong and Prominent Real Estate 
Gold - John Wu and Columbia Security
Gold - Joost Schokkenbroek and the Vancouver Maritime museum
Gold - Nortech Parking Services
Silver - Jonas Stahr and Total Green
We also had a number of members that have now hit new milestones for giving and we will see a number of New PAUL HARRIS recipients in the New Year! 
Thank you to all of them.
New Sponsors nigel Bullers 2020-12-30 08:00:00Z 9

Fundraising & Community Giving

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A Christmas Miracle...ours
At this time of year there is much talk about "Christmas Miracles" and this year we have our own miracle at the the Rotary club of Fraserview.
Miracles do happen but not always are they random.    In general miracles tend to be attracted to either hard work or good intentions.  When hard work gets combined with good intentions then miracles tend to happen more frequently.
That was what happened in our club.  When we started this year all of us on the executive were concerned about a year with COVID and what that meant to our club in terms of targets and fundraising.  we set fairly aggressive goals for ourselves this year knowing that the world would need help like never before, but we simply were not sure if we would make those targets by June 31st of next year when the year ends.  Especially without the ability to do  a large event.
So here we are, we are half way through the year on December 31st.. and here is the miracle for our club and the world we choose to support:
Rotary Foundation Target for 20/21 - $4,500 
What we have raised so far - $6,769 - Christmas Miracle!
Polio Fund Target for 20/21 - $1,300
What we have raised so far - $1,300 - Christmas Miracle
Our Clubs Goal for total club giving 20/21 - $9,000
What we have raised so far - $10,305 - Christmas Miracle.
Nobody thought we could hit the targets let alone before the six month mark. Thank you to everyone... we did this by doing little things for 6 months and it all just added up.. like a miracle.
Fundraising &amp; Community Giving nigel Bullers 2020-12-30 08:00:00Z 10

4 Star Rating

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For the 13th consecutive year, Rotary has received Charity Navigator's highest rating: https://on.rotary.org/3nXN5yB
The Foundation earned the recognition for adhering to sector best practices and executing its mission in a financially efficient way, demonstrating both strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. Only one percent of the organizations Charity Navigator evaluates have received 13 consecutive 4-star evaluations.

"Your achievement and 4-star rating will enhance your organization’s fundraising and public relations efforts,” says Michael Thatcher, president and chief executive officer of Charity Navigator. "This exceptional designation sets the Foundation apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness."

4 Star Rating Nigel Bullers 2020-12-30 08:00:00Z 11

Two New Paul Harris Awards

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At the October lunch and meeting two of our members were presented with Paul Harris pins by the District Governor.
  • Mercedes Wong received her +1 pin for Donations to the Foundation, this being her send Paul Harris Distinction.
  • Nigel Bullers was presented with a  +2 this being his 3rd Paul Harris for Donations to the Foundation
Two New Paul Harris Awards Ram Nayyar 2020-11-24 08:00:00Z 5

Cheque Donation to the Rotary Foundation

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At the October meeting Mercedes Wong presents and oversaw the donation from a foundation at VanCity to the Rotary foundation in the amount of $500.
Pictured with the 2 presidents Erin and Rm and the District Governor Dave Hamilton, from 5040.
Cheque Donation to the Rotary Foundation Ram Nayyar 2020-11-24 08:00:00Z 3

Giving Tuesday Dec 1st, 2020

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WOW.. What can we say.....  this was a great success...  We raised $4,400.00 that has now been sent to the Rotary Foundation
Giving Tuesday is a North American wide day of giving. For the second year in a row our club raised money and awareness for the Rotary Foundation on this day.
We know that this is difficult given the challenges of COVID But those in need in the world also are having more difficulties and have more need during this period.
Thank you everyone!
Draw Prizes results
WIN PRIZES for donating,  the draw was done at the December virtual meeting drawn with everyone on the call. The winners were:
Apple AirPod Pro - Mercedes Wong
EasyPark $100 wallet load for parking - Elena Murgoci
Family Pass to the Maritime Museum - Ellen Hsu
Tim Hortons $50 card -  Joost Schokkenbroek
Giving Tuesday Dec 1st, 2020 Ram Nayyar 2020-11-15 08:00:00Z 8

Rotary World Help

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We are proud to announce that for the second year we are supporting the Rotary World Help program by donating $10 per member and becoming an affiliate, we will present the $370 cheque at a later lunch.  Stay tuned for info about how else we can help get medical equipment in the hands of people around the globe.
Rotary World Help is a non profit organization aimed at collecting and distributing medical equipment & supplies, dental, optical, education & sports equipment and disaster relief supplies to international recipients in need. We are a non-religious, non-political charity run by Rotary Clubs from British Columbia, Canada.
Rotary World Help Erin Shum 2020-09-23 07:00:00Z 12

Paul Harris recognition

Dr. Bonnie Henry is “very grateful” for recognition received from the Royal City Rotary Club.

On June 17, Royal City Rotary inducted B.C.’s provincial health officer as an honorary Rotarian and presented her with a Paul Harris Fellow award on behalf of the club. Lizz Kelly, president-elect of the Royal City Rotary Club, presented Henry with the honour, while members of Royal City Rotary and the Rotary Club of New Westminster attended the online presentation.


Paul Harris recognition Nigel Bullers 2020-09-21 07:00:00Z 9
A new Paul Harris Recipient Nigel Bullers 2020-09-21 07:00:00Z 8
polio Erin Shum 2020-08-26 07:00:00Z 10
Past President Ellen HSU Featured Erin Shum 2020-08-25 07:00:00Z 17

Summer Social

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Summer get togther at the park and Beach..

Due to Covid:  Food will be Bento box, choices are either meat (pork) or vegatarian, please let Erin know by Friday.

  • Potato Salad
  • Water
  • All freshly made and brought in on Sunday Morning.

Bring you own:

Chair, camera, sun tan, picnic blanket, umbrella, friends, family


Summer Social Erin Shum 2020-08-19 07:00:00Z 9

Face Masks - They Are Here

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New Rotary Face Masks, designed by our club for our club and any others that want them.
2 styles to choose from; $20.00 each.   75% of the profit from each mask will be donated to the Rotary Foundation.
Show your affiliation to Rotary while supporting and keeping the world and your community safe.
You can buy here and pick up at club or we will deliver to you.  Buy here:    https://vancouverfraserviewrotary.org/event/rotary-mask-a/
Face Masks - They Are Here Nigel Bullers 2020-07-23 07:00:00Z 14

2020/21 Giving Goals results

We have set the goals for giving to $9,000 for this year, so far we have raised and donated $12,800.00
fundraising thermometer
Rotary Foundation - $2132.00
Rotary Foundation (Paul Harris Award) $685.00
Rotary World Help - $870.00
Mask Project - Rotary Foundation - $904.00
Donate Your Lunch Rotary Foundation - $909.50
Rotary Polio Fund - $1,200.00
Giving Tuesday Dec 1st - Foundation - $4,400.00
International, Autism Burma - $1,000.00
Union Gospel Mission - $700.00
2020/21 Giving Goals results Nigel Bullers 2020-07-08 07:00:00Z 11
Why Does The Rotary Year Begin On July 1st. Nigel Bullers 2020-07-01 07:00:00Z 10

@ New Paul Harris Fellows

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2 New Paul Harris Fellows at the Fraserview Club;
Haranto Tjoa - Was Presented his Paul Harris Award for his work in supporting the club through fundraising.
Angela Kang - was presented a Paul Harris as Voted by the members for her work as Treasurer of the Club through 2 years in 2017/18
Congrats to both of them and thank you for your service.
@ New Paul Harris Fellows CiCi Yim 2020-06-29 07:00:00Z 12

Thank You to our Outgoing President

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A Special Thank you to our outgoing President CiCi Yim.  Under her leadership the club hit most of the goals including Fundraising and the # of new members.    It has been a fun and  productive year in spite of COVID 19.  CiCi thank you for your service, looking forward to having you as Immediate Past President for 2020/21.
Thank You to our Outgoing President Erin Shum 2020-06-29 07:00:00Z 11

Donation "Beyond the Conversation Canada"

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At the June meeting we presented a Cheque for $1,614.50 to the "Beyond the Conversation Canada" here in Vancouver.   The money was raised at a dinner in February.  https://beyondtheconversation.ca/
'Beyond the Conversation is a movement that want to address the gap of social connectedness, loneliness and mental health for all peoples. If anyone who is seeking to build their community support, contact@beyondtheconversation.ca.'
Donation "Beyond the Conversation Canada" erin 2020-06-29 07:00:00Z 11

2 Amazing Awards for our club

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At the district Conference the Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview was presented with 2 awards from District 5040
The first was a joint award for growth of the club, adding 9 members this year, an award we share with the Rotary club of vVncouver Mountainview.
The second award was presented to our own Nigel Bullers who was presented with the DON EVANS PEOPLE OF ACTION AWARD, for his work in the club.
2 Amazing Awards for our club CiCi Yim 2020-06-18 07:00:00Z 10

Polio Drive - Donate your Lunch

Donate the cost of a Rotary meal (that you won't spend).
Do it NOW and help us to "TAKE OUT POLIO".
Click on the link below:-
Worldwide donations to PolioPlus this year are $12million short of the $50million goal that we need to reach to receive the Gates Foundation matching 2:1 grant.
The Idea...
Consider donating JUST ONE (or maybe two) of your breakfast, lunch, or dinner costs that you will not spend at Rotary during June.  Go to www.endpolio.org/donate to make a quick 1-time donation, receive full Paul Harris recognition and a tax receipt.
There will be a 15-minute online meeting with PolioPlus Chair Michael McGovern and Rotary Foundation Trustee Julia Phelps on Wednesday June 10, at 9am PDT.
The meeting will be recorded so you will be able to use it at one of your online meetings before the end of June.
Polio Drive - Donate your Lunch Erin Shum 2020-06-09 07:00:00Z 6

Making Meetings safe

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COVID 19 – Safety Plan Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview
As our club returns to regular lunch meetings we have worked through exactly how it will work to keep our members safe and the facility.  Following are the steps people will need to take when attending the lunch meeting:
  • We have a private room for our use at Seasons in the Park, only our members and 1 server from the restaurant will be in this space.
  • Our server will be wearing a face mask
  • Table will be limited to the number of people allowed under the restaurant guidelines, we will simply use more tables.
  • When arriving and parking, we strongly suggest for you to use a mobile app as a touch free way to park
  • Note there will be no valet available to park cars in the foreseeable future.
  • If you need to use the parking meter, then please use tap rather than slide in credit card, there is no longer coin options an the meter, and please clean hands after the transaction.
  • Each person needs to wear a mask when arriving at the facility, we will provide one if you do not have.
  • When entering each person needs to use the hand sanitizer that we will have at the entrance, please be mindful of not lining up closely when entering.
  • Once you are in the restaurant masks do not have to be worn with the following exceptions:
    • Any Speaker at the front or in the room must wear a mask when addressing the entire group (projection re louder voices)
    • Anyone at a table who either asks a question of the entire room, or is asked to speak to the entire room, will have to raise the volume of their voice and we ask that you put on the mask before speaking.
    • O Canada – because this is singing in a group, all people that sing need to place on a mask before starting, anyone not wearing a mask is asked to simply to stand and not sing.
  • We will not be able to shake hands or hug, and polite, brief elbow touch is okay. 
  • Items that are handed out like pins, will be handed out in a plastic baggie, and not pinned on the person.  The same with any kind of certificate etc.
  • We would like to keep the meetings as short and timely as possible to reduce the amount of time we are in the facility, but for the safety of members, but also for the safety of the staff and facility.
  • For paying dues, lunch fees etc, we will not be able to accept cash for the foreseeable future, please sign up and pay online, we will leave the payment portal open for 2 days after the event so that you can pay after the fact if you forget and show up with cash.  Or you can use credit cards at the lunch to pay. BUT NO CASH WILL ACCEPTED.
  • Business cards CANNOT be exchanged.
  • These protocols are for all members and guests.  If you are bringing or inviting a guest then please ensure that they have read these protocols.  You are responsible for your guest.
  • This is posted on our website and will be updated from time to time.
Thank you
CiCi Yim & Erin Shum
Making Meetings safe Nigel Bullers 2020-05-27 07:00:00Z 8

Donations during the lockdown

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$687 raised from our members during the COVID 19 Lockdown.
While members of our club could not physically get together during the recent lockdown, we were able to hold a virtual meeting live on social media and then members could log in and see the news, and exchange of ideas, complete with the Rotary Bell, and oh Canada, although you had to read and sing it yourself.
In addition members donated money in liu of meeting in total $687.00 was raised for the Rotary Foundation and 19 members donated throughout the events, the events were as follows:
Week 1 - Donate your Lunch
Week 2 - Donate your Lunch
Week 3 - Donate half your lunch
Week 4 - Donate your parking
Week 5 - Donate your Buns
Thank you to everyone for making a difference!
Donations during the lockdown Erin Shum 2020-05-24 07:00:00Z 8

$1200 Donation EGRC

Rotary Club of Fraserview has sent a cheque and will present a photoshoot cheque of $1,200 to Educating Girls of Rural China this group came in and presented to us at our lunch in February. 
“Educating Girls of Rural China makes a real difference in the lives of young women who would otherwise be left behind and forgotten. It also helps to identify and support the future leaders that China needs. What impresses me most about the organization is its patient attention to each individual girl through every step of her advanced education.”
David Mulroney, Former Canadian Ambassador to China
Guojuan Ren is an orphan who was raised by her grandmother. She is currently in her first year at Liaoning University of Science and Technology. After meeting Canadian Ambassador John McCallum in August, she met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in December 2017.
$1200 Donation EGRC Erin Shum 2020-05-04 07:00:00Z 8

What can you do in the Lock Down

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By Now during this lock down you are likely experiencing a couple of things:

1) Depressing and stressful that multiple times over the past couple of weeks that we can’t buy simple things ... eggs , toilet paper , other stuff

2) Extremely stressful to be locked up and worse when you go out to worry the entire time that you could get sick ....

And there is a tendency to feel like a victim.   But for us this will pass, and right about the time that we are eating hot dogs in a movie theatre or food court .... some People in some countries will go back to normal but normal for them is that they can’t buy toilet paper ever ... many people can’t buy clean water for their kids ....And they live everyday in at least the 2 remaining countries, with diseases like polio hanging over their heads....

This time for many of us punctuates the life that they live each and every day that we all get a small taste of for this brief time ..

But as trapped as we are, and as helpless as we might feel at times, we are still Rotary, so what is it that we can do to help?  Here are what some are doing to make a difference:
  • Some people are going on line to buy from stores ... I heard from a couple of people that they are buying gifts from Purdys for Easter and having delivered 
  • Buying gift cards on line is a great way to support business as they get the cash and sending even a $5 card to friends and family helps 
  • Get take out .... it supports the restaurants and in now top heavy in a way of saying thanks for being here 
  • Pay for parking in street meters ... while the city says the streets are free .. we know better right ... every lost dollar will hurt the city and us, so drop a loonie in the meter or use your app 
  • Many Museums and gallery’s have posts for donations, these are facilities for our kids .... and the future ... they have very little funding, so consider donating even $5 or $10 not only will every dollar make a difference but it will make them feel good as well .
  • What are you personally doing to contribute to your circle of influence? Are you re-posting Facebook posts that talk about how we are all doomed /.. or are you re-posting good news and positive actions people can take ?
  • Finally it’s Easter .... it’s sunny ... we are all tired of being locked inside , I know it’s tempting to want to go to the beach this Easter ... stay inside ... this one more week ... we get back to normal if we follow the rules faster ... if you need to go out , walk your residential streets ... avoid going to where groups are gathering in parks and beaches 
  • All things pass, even this ... it will be okay, we will be okay, and we will be able to look back at this time.  Across the planet govts, groups, doctors and just plain people will have to ask ... “what did I do in this time of need..”
What can you do in the Lock Down Nigel Bullers 2020-04-09 07:00:00Z 7

How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart

An infographic that shows the goals of mitigation during an outbreak with two curves. The X-axis represents the number of daily cases and they Y-axis represents the amount of time since the first case. The first curve represents the number of cases when no protective measures during an outbreak are implemented and displays a large peak. The second curve is much lower, representing a much smaller rise in the number of cases if protective measures are implemented.

The main uncertainty in the coronavirus outbreak in the United States now is how big it will get, and how fast. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Nancy Messonnier told reporters on March 9, “many people in the US will at some point, either this year or next, get exposed to this virus.”

According to infectious disease epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch at Harvard, it’s “plausible” that 20 to 60 percent of adults will be infected with Covid-19 disease. So far, 80 percent of cases globally have been mild, but if the case fatality rate is around 1 percent (which several experts say it may be), a scenario is possible of tens or hundreds of thousands of deaths in the US alone.

How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart Nigel Bullers 2020-03-13 07:00:00Z 7

A New Paul Harris Fellow

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At our January Meeting we inducted 2 new Paul Harris Fellows and 2 new +1 Paul Harris.  Honored First time Rotarians were: Blaire Montgomery & Camil Dubuc and the +1's are Henry Chan and Ajit Thandi.
A New Paul Harris Fellow Erin Shum 2020-02-21 08:00:00Z 8

CNIB Donation - $2,000

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The Rotary Club of Fraserview presented a cheque for just over $2,000 to the CNIB of BC.   These funds were raised at the holiday gal and fundraiser in early December.   Thank to everyone that helped make this event a success and raise funds for this cause.
CNIB Donation - $2,000 CiCi Yim 2020-02-21 08:00:00Z 11

Alzheimer's Donation

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Rotary Club of Fraserview presented a cheque of $1,000 to the Alzheimer's Society of BC at our February meeting.   The funds were raised during the Recent Blue Martini Gala and fundraiser Christmas event.   Thank you everyone for helping to raise the money for such a worthy cause.
Alzheimer's Donation Erin Shum 2020-02-21 08:00:00Z 11

We Need Your Help

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We Need Your Help & you can Win Big!

Fraserview Rotary needs your help this February and you can win prizes
Each Year our Club holds a Gala Fundraiser for the Club and a selected Charity organization.
The event is really important as it:
  • Raises funds for the Club
  • Raises funds for the Charity that we choose
  • Allows us to get points for various activities under the Rotary KPI program so that we hit our targets for the year.
This year was to be no exception and we had planned and negotiated a great venue, band and fashion show, had all of the artwork ready to hit, and then, the tragedy of the virus in China hit the news.  
The Executives have spent much time thinking about how to handle the issue, most service clubs have been forced to cancel their events.   We feel that it will be uncertain just how comfortable we will be asking a large group to meet at a venue if public opinion and public health are still a concern.   The last thing we want is an event that has low turnout and loses money.
As we indicated, other service clubs have simply cancelled events and lost the fundraising ability, but we decided that we can save it by being super creative, rather than simply give up.
The VIRTUAL Spring Gala and Fundraiser
“Your Absence Will Make a Difference.”
So, we have decided to put on a VIRTUAL GALA and FUNDRAISER.  We are asking everyone to please pitch in and contribute to make the rotary year for our Club and also to really do a great job for our Charity of choice this year!
'Beyond the Conversation is a movement that wants to address the gap of social connectedness, loneliness and mental health for all people. If anyone who is seeking to build their community support, contact@beyondtheconversation.ca.'
- we raise needed money for the Club, as we did in previous years
- we raise money for the charity "Beyond the Conversation Society" that really needs the support
- we have almost zero cost to do this
- we get club points many of them that will hit our targets for the year
  • Fundraising
  • Projects
  • Volunteer hours
  • Goods donated
  • Community give back
  • Total members involved
These are all critical metrics we need.
What Can You Do to Help?
We have set up a payment portal on our website that has a few of options:  
The executives have all committed that they would have spent around $100 per person on a Gala; Ticket, Drinks, raffle tickets etc.  So depending on how many people they would have bought for 1 or 2, we have set up donations of both
  • $200 &
  • $100
All other Members have more scope of options on how to help:
We have $50 and $25 levels that you can donate at.
The 4 options are all listed on the events page and here, again we have no cost, so all of the funds go to the Club and "Beyond the Conversation Society":
Prizes - These prizes would have been part of a raffle, they will be randomly selected:
A Trip! - Peaceful Harbour Suites
1a. Ucluelet Harbour Aerial Of Waters Edge.jpg
Water’s Edge Shoreside Suites is the only property with access to both the serene Ucluelet Inlet & the active Marina from every suite! We’re nestled on the peaceful water’s edge of an island joined by a causeway within the Harbour. Nothing else compares. Stunning surroundings, breathtaking views. Come discover a true West Coast classic.
1. View Of Property From Ucluelet Harbour.jpg
1 Deluxe Bedroom with Outdoor Tub
Valid: Sunday - Thursday (no weekends). Not valid: July 1st - Sept 15th, Holidays or Long Weekends
Prize Value Worth: $500
and these other great prizes:
  • Tim Hortons $100 card
  •  EasyPark $150 Parking Card
  • Men’s Nike Watch - $150
  • A 2nd Nike Men’s watch - $150
  •  Maritime Museum family pack
  •  Amazon Echo Dot - Alexa
  •  Bottle of Wine
  •  $50.00 Pack of Cineplex movies
Anyone who makes a donation can win!
Want to make 2 x $50 donation instead of 1 x $100? - then you get 2 entries!
Finally, we have a corporate sponsor opportunity, we have 3 companies committed to this level already at $300, we appreciate any company that can make a difference!
Thank you all for all your support!
We Need Your Help Nigel Bullers 2020-02-04 08:00:00Z 5
Rotary in the future VR Nigel Bullers 2020-01-22 08:00:00Z 9

Rotary & Toastmasters

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ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Jan. 7, 2020 — Members of Toastmasters and Rotary will enhance their skills, broaden their networks and increase their positive impact in communities through a new collaboration.

The ongoing relationship between the two organizations will begin at the grassroots level with local club members learning and working together. Additionally, Toastmasters will create a set of eight structured communication and leadership development courses for Rotary with a phased rollout that will be available in English in 2020, and in more languages in 2021.


Rotary &amp; Toastmasters Nigel Bullers 2020-01-22 08:00:00Z 8

Rotary 115 Years on Feb 23rd.

U.S. stamp commemorating Rotary International's 50th anniversary in 1955

The first years of the Rotary Club

The first Rotary Club was formed when attorney Paul P. Harris called together a meeting of three business acquaintances in downtown Chicago, United States, at Harris's friend Gustave Loehr's office in the Unity Building on Dearborn Street on February 23, 1905.[8] In addition to Harris and Loehr (a mining engineer and freemason[9]), Silvester Schiele (a coal merchant), and Hiram E. Shorey (a tailor) were the other two who attended this first meeting. The members chose the name Rotary because initially they rotated subsequent weekly club meetings to each other's offices, although within a year, the Chicago club became so large it became necessary to adopt the now-common practice of a regular meeting place.

1st Canadian Rotary Club?  - see more to find out.....

Rotary 115 Years on Feb 23rd. Nigel Bullers 2019-12-29 08:00:00Z 9
Major Donations to Help the Philippines Camil Dubuc 2019-12-17 08:00:00Z 13

New Gold Sponsors

Posted by Erin Shum on Dec 11, 2019
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We have two new Gold Sponsors for our club!
As part of the Giving Tuesday Fund drive for the Rotary Foundation we now have 2 new Gold Sponsors:  Securiguard Services Inc. and EasyPark.   Securigaurd is a new sponsor, thank you and Welcome, EasyPark was a Silver Sponsor that upgraded as part of this promo.
Interested in become our sponsor?  Visit Here
New Gold Sponsors Erin Shum 2019-12-11 08:00:00Z 8

William Lim - In Memoriam

Posted by Nigel Bullers on Dec 10, 2019
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Last year we lost one of our members.   The Rotary Club of Fraserview recently raised money in his name and made a donation to the Rotary Foundation and presented his widow with a Paul Harris Fellow certificate in his name.
William is from Brunei – in south East Asia on the north coast of Borneo, when you look up on line about Brunei its says it is known as “ The Abode of Peace
William came to Canada and Vancouver as a businessman and started a beef jerky business, BKH jerky, and met the love of his life Flora.    William joined the Fraserview Rotary in early 2017.

William Lim - In Memoriam Nigel Bullers 2019-12-10 08:00:00Z 8

Alexa Mira Society

Posted by Nigel Bullers on Nov 28, 2019
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Image may contain: 36 people, people smiling, people sitting
The Mind Museum Trip
Our sincerest gratitude to Children's Hour, The Mind Museum, Jollibee, Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview, and the Rotary Club of Burnaby Metrotown for extending your generous support. The joy we witnessed from the faces of our community was truly indescribable. They have experienced, for the first time, a fun way of engaging and learning science. #AlexaMiraSociety #GiveLoveInspire
Alexa Mira Society Nigel Bullers 2019-11-28 08:00:00Z 10
Giving Tuesday - Dec 3rd Nigel Bullers 2019-11-24 08:00:00Z 7

Platinum Award

Posted by Nigel Bullers on Nov 12, 2019
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Platinum Award for Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview.   At the September Meeting Past District Governor attended the Bi weekly lunch meeting and presented the Platinum Award for the Rotary club of Vancouver Fraserview.  This award was for the growth and success of the club in the 2018/19 year under the leadership of Ellen Hsu President
Platinum Award Nigel Bullers 2019-11-12 08:00:00Z 7
Holiday Event &amp; Fundraiser 2019 Miu-Miu Ng 2019-10-15 07:00:00Z 12
Donation Ajit Thandi 2019-10-09 07:00:00Z 10

3 Members Inducted

Posted by Nigel Bullers on Sep 28, 2019
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President CiCi Yim and Past President Ellen Hsu Inducted 3 new members at the regular lunch club for Rotary Fraserview.  New Members: Lily Li, Joost Schokkenbroek, and Johnathan Hoyles.
3 Members Inducted Nigel Bullers 2019-09-28 07:00:00Z 11

Paul Harris Fellow

Posted by Nigel Bullers on Sep 25, 2019
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Paul Harris Fellow
Today Sept 25th, 2019 a new Paul Harris Fellow was inducted.  Jaswant Bains was presented his pin and medal by Foundation Chair of Rotary club of Fraserview Ajit Thandi alongside President CiCi Yim and past president Ellen Hsu.
Paul Harris Fellow Nigel Bullers 2019-09-25 07:00:00Z 12

Fraserview - Our Giving Goals

Posted by Nigel Bullers on Sep 06, 2019
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Here are our giving goals and progress this year so far:
In Total we have raised/ Donated almost $10,000!
Rotary World Help $400.00
Rotary Foundation $1300.00 - Barbeque fundraiser
Autism Burma - $1000.00
Beyond the Conversation Society - $500
Rotary Foundation - $580.00
Polio Fund - $670.00
Rotary Foundation Giving Tuesday - $2015.00
CNIB - $2,019.75
Alzhiemers - 1009.88
Fraserview - Our Giving Goals Nigel Bullers 2019-09-06 07:00:00Z 7

New Members 2019-2020

Posted by CiCi Yim on Jul 02, 2019

And yet more new Members to Fraserview Rotary, the two newest members as of the August meeting are:





New Members 2019-2020 CiCi Yim 2019-07-02 07:00:00Z 1
2019 -2020 Inauguration Dinner CiCi Yim 2019-05-13 07:00:00Z 4
Playground Project at Queen Victoria Annex (QVA) Ellen Hsu 2019-04-26 07:00:00Z 10

Four schools in a rural area southeast of Nairobi, Kenya

Posted by Ellen Hsu on Apr 15, 2019
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To help train teachers to teach with technology and implement latest learning skills in the classrooms of four schools in a rural area southeast of Nairobi, Kenya, Fraserview Rotary  and 30 other BC Rotary clubs in Rotary District 5040, with a grant from the international Rotary Foundation, sponsored a team of BC educators to share knowledge with teachers in four schools southeast of Nairobi, Kenya for two weeks in Spring Break with additional funding through a global grant from the international Rotary Foundation.  Our club sponsored Andy Beadon.
Four schools in a rural area southeast of Nairobi, Kenya Ellen Hsu 2019-04-15 07:00:00Z 10

Our Giving ...Last year

Our Giving Goals
Here are our giving goals and progress for last year 2019/20, in Total we have raised/ Donated almost $14,000 !
fundraising thermometer
Rotary World Help $400.00
Rotary Foundation $1,300.00 - Barbeque fundraiser
Autism Burma - $1,000.00
Beyond the Conversation Society - $2,027
Rotary Foundation - $700.00
Polio Fund - $1,390.00
Rotary Foundation Giving Tuesday - $2,015.00
CNIB - $2,019.75
Alzhiemers - 1,009.88
Rotary Foundation - Donate your lunch - $687.00
Educating Girls of Rural China - $1,200.00
Our Giving ...Last year Erin Shum 2019-04-14 07:00:00Z 15
International Projects Ellen Hsu 2019-03-14 07:00:00Z 8
Events this past year Ellen Hsu 2019-03-14 07:00:00Z 2
2019 Foundation Dinner Ellen Hsu 2019-03-14 07:00:00Z 3

Other Local Projects

Posted by Ellen Hsu on Mar 14, 2019
I. Other Local Projects in the News:
i) Interact Club
Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview sponsors John Oliver Interact Club. A $500 check was presented to them at Charity Gala to assist with their club's community project. Our club also sponsored two interact club members to Interact Conference on November 3, 2018.
Other Local Projects Ellen Hsu 2019-03-14 07:00:00Z 2

Why join Rotary

Posted by CiCi Yim on Mar 13, 2019

Recently some people have been asking me why they should be joining Rotary club. Well.. Here are some reasons...

Image may contain: text
Why join Rotary CiCi Yim 2019-03-13 07:00:00Z 0
Board Activity - PETS Training Nigel Bullers 2019-03-13 07:00:00Z 3

Who Are Rotarians

Rotarians are business and professional leaders who take an active role in their communities while greatly enriching their personal and professional lives. Our mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.
Who Are Rotarians Nigel Bullers 2019-03-13 07:00:00Z 0
Inauguration for 2018-2019 Club Officers Ellen Hsu 2017-06-21 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Rotary Club Holida Dinner Dec 19,2011 at Frederico's Supper Club

Posted by Bob Rai on Dec 25, 2011
A big thank you to Immediate Past President Manjit Claire for recommending this restaurant to our club for our holiday season dinner celebration.  In attendance were 18 members and family members of our Rotary Club.  It was an amazing night that started off with a delicious dinner selection of different dishes, and was followed by an evening of music and dancing.  It was very evident that our party came with their dancing shoes on.  There were countless highlights including the incredible dance moves of Past President Dalip Sandhu to President Elect Kuldeep Tatla inspiring everyone in the restaruant to come to the dance floor and have a dance.  What a night!!  I heard many coments of when can we do this again and why haven't we come to this restaruant before!!  An evening enjoyed by all and truly celebrated in the Rotary Spirit.  Our club definitely left our mark at this venue by having an absolute blast!  Happy Holidays to all and the best for 2012! 
Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Rotary Club Holida Dinner Dec 19,2011 at Frederico's Supper Club Bob Rai 2011-12-26 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Annual Fundraiser Nov 5,2012

Posted by Bob Rai on Nov 14, 2011
The Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview held it's annual Fundraiser on Saturday Nov 5, 2011 at the fabulous Royal King Palace Banquet Hall at Payal Business center.  A big thanks to partners Parminder Atwal and karan Khatkar.   We enjoyed another successful year as we raised proceeds of $49,000.  We again met our goal to committ $20,000 per year to  the BC Mental Health Foundation.  The monies raised go towards a unique and innovative program called "The Youth, Culture and Mental Health Fund which is headed by Dr Shimi Kang.  Our Club has made a $100,000 commitment over 5 years to this cause.  Young people between the ages of 15-24 report the most suffering from Mental Illness, Substance abuse, and Addiction.  Dr Shimi Kang, who has worked with youth for over 10 years, has observed that all youth, including South Asians are at serious risk.  Culturally specific awareness, education, and intervention at an early stage are key facors in keeping our young people healthy and communities thriving.  The evening was enjoyed by about 250 people in attendance.  Entertainment was started off by Neeraja Aptikar who provided a great selection of Classical Indian songs.  She was followed by Rajdeep Sekhon whose bollywood singing voice was as if we were listening to the original singer of the song's.  Dal Hothi then came on and rocked the night.  The dance floor was packed and many interesting and fun dance moves were witnessed by all.  The evening was MC's by Comedy Central Comedian Sunee Dhaliwal and his co-host John Perrotta.  Both provided a a fun filled evening with timely jokes and a nice flow to the evening.  The Club had a surprise and generous donation made by Bruce Kehler and Scott Frampton whose company Country Lumber presented a check for $5500.00 .  The unexpected donation was accepted by Club President Bob Rai and the two were asked to come to the stage and say a few words.  As well two key member's our club were presented with the Paul Harris Fellowship Award.  Immediate Past President Manjit Claire and Bruce Kehler were the recipients of this prestigious award which is given by Rotary International.  Congratulation's to both of them for their commitment to Rotary and thier generous contribtions.  The evening's fundraising activities were also well received.  The Silent Auction items completely sold out. The balloon sales to win a trip for two to stay at the Trump Tower Hotel In Manhatten, New York (donated by Kuljit Tmana) also sold out and the Live Auctions items provided some exciting bidding wars.  A slice of pizza that was donated spontaneously by Dave Atwal ended up going for an amazing $700.  Thanks to Dave for starting this creative and spontaneous auction item.  As destiny would have it his partner Dana Purington of DSM Civil Works ended up winning the Trump Tower Hotel Prize.  As well Narinder Kang and Jason Hari won a bid of a extemely generous $3000 for a hockey game package that  included two tickets to a Canucks Game of their choice donated by The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, A limo ride provided by Star Limo(Ranjiv Sandhu) and a tunnel pass to meet the players after the game donated by The Fan Zoo(Bob Athwal).  All in all the evening was enjoyed by everyone.  A big thank you  to everyone for their generous support and congratulations to the Vancouver Fraserview Rotary Club on another well done event.  A special thanks to President-Elect Kuldeep Tatla, Immediate Past President Manjit Claire, Treasurer Mercedes Wong and Secretary Anita Dalakoti for helping to put together the details of the event and making it  wonderful evening. 
Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Annual Fundraiser Nov 5,2012 Bob Rai 2011-11-15 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Rotary "Bowling Night's"

Posted by Bob Rai on Oct 13, 2011

On Wed October 12,2011 our Club held a Bowling Night's evening at the Richmond Bowling Facility called "The Zone"    About 35 Rotarian's along with family and friends came out to enjoy a wonderful evening of food, bowling and good fun.  We were also joined by members of the Rotary Club of Vancouver Arbutus including their 2011-2012 President Harreson Lovick.  All eye's were on immediate Past President Manjit Claire to defend his title from the previous bowling event.  To much chagrin, he did not disappoint!  :-)  He won the Men's Bowling Trophy in a convincing victory.  We are recommending he goes professional!!  The Women's trophy was won by Channi Sandhu, wife of Past President Dalip Sandhu.  Everyone had a great time and we are working on scheduling another "Bowling Nights" for the near future

Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Rotary "Bowling Night's" Bob Rai 2011-10-14 00:00:00Z 0

New CO of British Columbia Regiment Lt. Colonel Harjit Sajjan and Colonel Keith Maxwell visit our Club at Lunch Meeting Sept 21, 2011

Posted by Bob Rai on Sep 20, 2011
Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview was privileged and honored to have as it's special guests speaker's at today's lunch the newly appointed Commanding Officer of the British Columbia Regiment Lt. Colonel Harjit Sajjan and Colonel Keith Maxwell. Both men have served our country proudly and have achieved high levels of success. Our Rotarians enjoyed hearing about their accomplishment's as well as sharing some of the old war stories. It was very interesting and exciting to hear them speak about their experiences. The Club was so enthused about their visit that our newest member Jesse Johl made a motion to give them honorary membership in our club. This motion will be formally passed at our next rotary meeting. Please click on their names to read their bio's. A must read as both are very accomplished. Of course, a special congratulation's to Lt. Colonel Harjit Sajjan who had his Change of Command Parade on a very special date: Sept 11, 2011. It make's it even more special as he had a large part in turning things around in Afhganistan with his unique approach on building relationships and building communities from the ground up in a war torn nation. Thanks to both gentlemen for making our meeting memorable.
New CO of British Columbia Regiment Lt. Colonel Harjit Sajjan and Colonel Keith Maxwell visit our Club at Lunch Meeting Sept 21, 2011 Bob Rai 2011-09-21 00:00:00Z 0

2011 Annual Vancouver Fraserview Rotary Club Golf Tournament

Posted by Kuldeep Tatla on Aug 23, 2011
Thank you Volunteers, Golf Tournament Participants, and the staff at Greenacres Golf & Country Club. What an awesome event!

This year the Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview, once again hosted their annual golf tournament, in which the club raised twice as much money as the previous year, and enjoyed a wonderful day of Texas scramble golf with over forty five participants.

This year’s event was further endorsed by twenty six corporate hole sponsors, that generously donated to the hosting of the Fraserview Rotary Club's annual golf tournament.

Attendees at the event enjoyed a brilliant array of BBQ buffet themed foods, a full bar and gut wrenchingly funny comedy from two local high profile comedians’: Sunny Dhalwial & Johnny Pirotta,

 Each attendee also went home with a prize, either from the silent auction tables, the many free giveaways, and of course the player gift bags.

 We welcome all participants to enjoy this annual event once again in 2012, and would like to thank you for your continued support.

2011 Annual Vancouver Fraserview Rotary Club Golf Tournament Kuldeep Tatla 2011-08-24 00:00:00Z 0

1st Ever Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Fireworks Boat Cruise Aug 3, 2011

Posted by Bob Rai on Aug 09, 2011
The Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview enjoyed an absolutely beautiful evening aboard a 144ft yaht and enjoyed a dinner cruise that ended with a spectacular view of the Vancouver International Fireworks competition out  in the middle of english Bay.   On this night Spain was competing and the 25 people attending enjoyed the evening that was full of food, drinks and a great company of people.   The yaht was rented through Accent cruises and we thank them for giving us a Rotarian discount and taking superb care of all that were aboard. 
1st Ever Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Fireworks Boat Cruise Aug 3, 2011 Bob Rai 2011-08-10 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Annual BBQ July 17, 2011

Posted by Bob Rai on Jul 24, 2011

Rotarians and their families gathered to hold our Annual BBQ in South Vancouver at South Fraser River Park on Sunday July 17,2011  The day was a bit cloudy and had splashes of rain but was the mood was uplifting and the food that was prepared by Rotarian and Seargent at Arms Harinder Dhillon was absolutely spectacular.  The food really brought the sun out in our hearts and the setting was beautiful as we enjoyed the great food and beverages alongside the Fraser River with a view on airplanes landing at YVR.  A big thanks to Harinder for putting this event together and to Rotarian Vish Chandra who assisted Harinder as co-Chair of the event.  The crowd was delighted to also feast on a special goat curry that was specially prepared by Rotarian Narinder Sidhu's wife Harpreet.   A big thanks to her also.  Later in the day a card game  called "seep" broke out and a guys against the ladies game ensued.  We won't mention who won the historic battle.  :-)  To end the evening the Club enjoyed birthday cake after singing a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday to Ethan Claire, son of Past President Manjit Claire and Former First lady Ronnie Claire.  A big thanks to Rotarian Narinder Sidhu for coming up with the suggestion to have tent's in case the weather didn't hold up and a big thanks to Rotarian Ajit Thandi for getting the Tent's organized.  All in all everyone enjoyed themselves and was a great day.

Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview Annual BBQ July 17, 2011 Bob Rai 2011-07-25 00:00:00Z 0

President Bob Rai's Induction Dinner Thurs June 30,2011 at Terminal City Club

Posted by Bob Rai on Jul 06, 2011
The Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview held it's annual President's dinner to celebrate the year President Manjit Claire completed and to induct incoming President Bob Rai for 2011-2012.  The event was held at The Terminal City Club and had about 70 member's,  guest's,and family come out to help celebrate.  Governor Hans Doge and Assistant Governor Rob Goodell also were in attendance. We were pleased to have Dr Ranbir Mann from the Surrey Rotary Club as our guest. The evening was full of music, and a special surprise for outoing President Manjit Claire.  He was serenaded to the Tina Turner song "Simply the Best" by impersonator Truly Tina.  Dr. Shimi Kang and her husband Jeevan Khun Khun were also in attendance.  Dr. Shimi Kang gave a overview of the work she has completed in the last year for the South Asian Youth Mental Health Fund in conjuction with the BC Mental Health Association.  Our club has a five year commitment to this cause which was spearheaded by President Manjit Claire during his term 2010-2011.    President Manjit Claire was presented with a Glass etched trophy and First Lady Ronnie Claire was presented with a bouquet of flowers for their service.  Bob Rai's speech highlighted his commitment to the club and it's cause.  He also stressed outreach to increase fellowship within District 5040 as well as to get more involved with Rotary International causes and commitments including committing to the Rotary Foundation and to contrbute to the Polio cause.   Bob  also thanked his wife and incoming First Lady  Dr. Harpreet Rai for her understanding as he takes on this new challenge with added time commitments.  He is looking forward to a great year with his new executive and all the members of the club
President Bob Rai's Induction Dinner Thurs June 30,2011 at Terminal City Club Bob Rai 2011-07-07 00:00:00Z 0

Banerjee is choice for 2011-12 RI President

Posted by Anita Dalakoti on Aug 11, 2009
Kalyan Banerjee, a member of the Rotary Club of Vapi, Gujarat, India, since 1972, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of RI in 2011-12. Banerjee becomes the president-nominee on 1 October if there are no challenging candidates.
Banerjee is choice for 2011-12 RI President Anita Dalakoti 2009-08-12 00:00:00Z 0

Dr. Shimi Kang

Posted by Anita Dalakoti
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Dr. Simi Kang & Dr. Fulroop Sidhu  present:


Dr. Shimi Kang MD, FRCPC 

Dr. Fulroop Sidhu  MD, FRCPC
Dr. Shimi Kang Anita Dalakoti 0
Fundraising Dinner On November 21, 2009 Anita Dalakoti 0

David Lloyd George School-Legacy Project

Posted by Anita Dalakoti

David Lloyd George School - Legacy Project

The Legacy Project is a community event that invites all cultures to come together with one goal. The united goal is to honor and respect our diversity and appreciate the countless benefits of living in Canada . What better way to teach our next generation of children this, than through the sharing of Family Legacy stories.  At the same time, students are getting an opportunity to experience the many stages of publishing a book.  We hope to motivate and foster many future writers.

We Need to Raise $6500 for this Project.

David Lloyd George School-Legacy Project Anita Dalakoti 0
PDG Del Paterson Visits Vancouver-Fraserview Club Anita Dalakoti 0
Visting Rotarian Jeremy Davis from Houston, Texas Anita Dalakoti 0

Support the Cops for Cancer Fundraiser

Posted by Anita Dalakoti

Cops for Cancer Fundraiser Event 
September 25, 2009
@ 7:00PM

Barj Dhahan, Deputy Director, Community Projects Committee who is one of the organisers for the Cops for Cancer Fundraiser, invites all Rotarians and members of the public at large to come together and support this just cause on September 25, 2009. For registration information click on the link below.


Support the Cops for Cancer Fundraiser Anita Dalakoti 0

Past President Elected President of PICS

Posted by Anita Dalakoti
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 PP Jay Minhas elected President of PICS

Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS) Society was founded in 1987. PICS is a  registered non-profit society, charitable organization and United Way member agency that seeks to build a healthy and just society which values all cultures. http://www.pics.bc.ca/

Past President Elected President of PICS Anita Dalakoti 0
New BC Cancer Foundation Board Director Anita Dalakoti 0

New Board Members Elected and Installed

Posted by Anita Dalakoti

New Board Members Elected & Installed

On August 19, 2009 at a ceremony held at the Samosa Garden, the new Board Members of the Rotary Club of Vancouver-Fraserview were installed by PDG Chris Offer & DGE Penny Offer.  DGN Hans Doge inducted the 3 new members, Rotarian Jaswant Bains, Rotarian Jaswant Sran & Rotarian Jatinder Sharma to the Club. 

New Board Members Elected and Installed Anita Dalakoti 0

Election & Induction of Officers & Directors

Posted by Anita Dalakoti

Elections & Induction of Officers & Directors of the Rotary Club of Vancouver - Fraserview

On Wednedsay August 19, 2009 the Rotary Club of Vancouver-Fraserview will be holding a dinner celebration at the Samosa Garden in Kingsway, to celebrate the induction of the 2009-2010 Officers & Directors of the Club.

Election & Induction of Officers & Directors Anita Dalakoti 0

Banerjee is Choice for 2011-2012 RI President

Posted by Anita Dalakoti
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Kalyan Banerjee is Choice for 2011-2012 Rotary International President

Kalyan Banerjee, a member of the Rotary Club of Vapi, Gujarat, India, since 1972, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International in 2011-12. Banerjee will become the president-nominee on 1 October if there are no challenging candidates.

Banerjee is Choice for 2011-2012 RI President Anita Dalakoti 0

Club Golf Tournament Announcement

Posted by Anita Dalakoti

Rotary Club Of Vancouver-Fraserview - Golf Tournament Announcement

Building fellowship among the members of the Rotary Club of Vancouver-Fraserview and their friend's and supporter's.

Club Golf Tournament Announcement Anita Dalakoti 0

Learn About The Rotary Sponsored Programs

Posted by Anita Dalakoti
Rotary International Sponsored Programs   

The Paul Harris Foundation

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Rotary Youth Exchange

Rotary Overseas Summer Exchange (ROSE)

Group Study Exchange



Learn About The Rotary Sponsored Programs Anita Dalakoti 0

Robert's Rules - Cont.....

Posted by Anita Dalakoti

The Basics of Robert's Rules of Order : In order to conduct an orderly meeting, with everyone getting a chance to express their opinions, it would be in order to follow the rules of conduct as prescribed in the Robert's Rules.

Robert's Rules - Cont..... Anita Dalakoti 0

Robert's Rules

Posted by Anita Dalakoti

The Basics of Robert's Rules of Order : In order to conduct an orderly meeting, with everyone getting a chance to express their opinions, it would be in order to follow the rules of conduct as prescribed in the Robert's Rules.

Robert's Rules Anita Dalakoti 0