Donate the cost of a Rotary meal (that you won't spend).
Do it NOW and help us to "TAKE OUT POLIO".
Click on the link below:-
Worldwide donations to PolioPlus this year are $12million short of the $50million goal that we need to reach to receive the Gates Foundation matching 2:1 grant.
The Idea...
Consider donating JUST ONE (or maybe two) of your breakfast, lunch, or dinner costs that you will not spend at Rotary during June.  Go to www.endpolio.org/donate to make a quick 1-time donation, receive full Paul Harris recognition and a tax receipt.
There will be a 15-minute online meeting with PolioPlus Chair Michael McGovern and Rotary Foundation Trustee Julia Phelps on Wednesday June 10, at 9am PDT.
The meeting will be recorded so you will be able to use it at one of your online meetings before the end of June.