$687 raised from our members during the COVID 19 Lockdown.
While members of our club could not physically get together during the recent lockdown, we were able to hold a virtual meeting live on social media and then members could log in and see the news, and exchange of ideas, complete with the Rotary Bell, and oh Canada, although you had to read and sing it yourself.
In addition members donated money in liu of meeting in total $687.00 was raised for the Rotary Foundation and 19 members donated throughout the events, the events were as follows:
Week 1 - Donate your Lunch
Week 2 - Donate your Lunch
Week 3 - Donate half your lunch
Week 4 - Donate your parking
Week 5 - Donate your Buns
Thank you to everyone for making a difference!
In addition members donated money in liu of meeting in total $687.00 was raised for the Rotary Foundation and 19 members donated throughout the events, the events were as follows:
Week 1 - Donate your Lunch
Week 2 - Donate your Lunch
Week 3 - Donate half your lunch
Week 4 - Donate your parking
Week 5 - Donate your Buns
Thank you to everyone for making a difference!