The Basics of Robert's Rules of Order : In order to conduct an orderly meeting, with everyone getting a chance to express their opinions, it would be in order to follow the rules of conduct as prescribed in the Robert's Rules.


Robert's Rules of Order - Summary  - Part 1

August 5, 2009


  The Basics of Robert's Rules of Order


General Order of Meetings


1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Officers Reports

4. Unfinished (Old) Business

5. New Business

6. Adjournment



Procedure to Make a Motion


1. Member raises hand and stands after recognition from the presiding officer.

2. The member gives their name and states the motion. e.g. "I move that we ___________."

3. Member may give a brief explanation for introducing the motion.

4. Another member must second the motion to continue.

5. Presiding officer calls for discussion on this motion.


The member who introduced the motion has the right to speak first. Members wishing to discuss the motion raise their hands and wait for recognition from the presiding officer before speaking, enabling everyone to share their opinions.

6. Presiding officer calls for a vote on the motion.

7. Presiding officer states results of vote and resulting action.


Members may "call the question" to end discussion on the motion if discussion seems to be dragging on or becoming redundant; however, it is NOT acceptable to call the question in order to prevent someone from expressing their opinion or while someone is speaking. If a member calls the question, a second and a 2/3 majority vote are required (no discussion) to close discussion and proceed to voting on the motion.



Procedure to Amend a Motion


During discussion, it may become apparent that an amendment (modification) to the original motion is necessary. Anyone may request to amend the original motion, but the proposed amendment must be related to the subject of the main motion.

1. Member raises hand and stands after recognition from the presiding officer.

2. Member states the amendment (e.g. striking and/or adding words/phrases).

3. Amendment must be seconded.

4. Presiding officer calls for discussion on the amendment.

5. Presiding officer calls for a vote on the amendment, and announces result.


If the amendment passes, the motion on the floor is now the amended motion. If the amendment fails, the

original motion remains on the floor.


Referral to Committee

During discussion, it may become apparent that further information is needed prior to voting on a motion and/or further work is necessary to reword a motion, in which case, the motion may be referred to a committee. If the motion passes, the committee, if not existing, should be appointed immediately or as soon as possible. The committee should report findings at the next meeting, unless specified otherwise.

1. A member makes a motion to refer the motion to committee.

2. Motion must be seconded.

3. Presiding officer calls for discussion.

4. Presiding officer calls for a vote, and states result of the vote and action taken.


To Be Continued..........