Fall Update Oct/22
Oct 17, 2022
March 2022
Mar 29, 2022
Fraserview News Nov/21
Nov 09, 2021
year end
Jul 14, 2021
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Meeting Information
Lunch Meeting
When:  February 12th, 2025
Where: Dublin Crossing
Time: 12:00 PM

Please register online or email the co-President  Blair Montgomery to confirm your attendance.


West 33rd Avenue (at Cambie), Vancouver, BC.

Bono's Message to Rotary Members from End Polio Now on Vimeo.


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Our Sponsors
A Special Thank You to our Sponsors
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Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
President Elect
Vice President
The Rotary Foundation
Immediate Past President
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Vancouver Fraserview  
The Fraserview Rotary club is located in the heart of the lower mainland and services the area of Fraserview and surrounding areas.  Our club consists of local community leaders from around greater Vancouver including a reach into Downtown Vancouver, leaders who take an active role in their communities, all while greatly enriching their personal and professional lives.   Fraserview is a smaller club that allows our leaders to grow and contribute in ways they might not in a larger club. 
Join us for a meeting! Check the column on the left for meetings dates and times, and upcoming events.Members of our Rotary Club connect at weekly meetings and learn from business experts, political and civic leaders, and entrepreneurs, who help us stay informed on topics that are relevant to our community. Together, we make great things happen. We have a structure that focuses on action and positive results.
How did Rotary start... Read here..
Our giving results this year:
Raised so far: $ 2595
Rotary Foundation
CareBC - Meals on Wheels - $500
Giving Tues - Rotary Foundation - $150
Union Gospel Mission: $545
Hoop-a-thon - $1400
Rotarians Making a Difference 
To John Wu, Rotarian -   Following our conversation last evening, here is the timeline of the break-in at the Friends in Need Food Bank.
On January 5, 2023, at approximately 4:45am three suspects pried open the front door at the food bank administration entrance and set off the alarm. At about 5:30am they came back and smashed their way into the food bank through an upstairs locked door and kicked in each office door looking for anything of value. 
The thieves stole three laptops and the small safe that was bolted to the floor. Luckily the safe had been emptied the day before and any gift cards that were inside were all able to be canceled. They then left the building at approximately 6am with whatever they could carry.
We have realized now that our security alarm and camera system needed to be upgraded. Also, all the office doors, the front main aluminum door and the safe needed to be replaced. 
We appreciate Columbia Security for coming in and giving us advice on how to better secure our premises and for installing all new cameras and alarms at a reasonable cost. We also thank you John, for personally offering a $500 donation to our organization.
We currently have close to 4000 registered clients that use our services weekly, and our registrations have been increasing by nearly 30 new clients every month for the past year. Our food bank serves clients in Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, the Maple Ridge Seniors Centre, including home delivery for those unable to personally attend our location. We also provide any excess perishable food that we have, to nearly 20 community and non-profit groups in the area.
A break-in like this affects not only our clients but also our volunteers and staff. 
Thank you for your help getting us back on our feet. 
Despite all the damage, thanks to our volunteers, we were able to continue food service to our clients without missing a day.
Thank you for all you have done to help us get back on our feet.
In addition to his Donation, John is working to install new security systems and provide expertise all free of charge - Thank you John.
Donation to Care BC  https://www.carebc.ca/  
Fraserview Rotary raised and donated $1,469 to Care BC, this money ewas raised through the Chrsitmas event and dinner on Dec 22nd.  Thank you to everyone that helped make the vent a sucess.

This Holiday Season we have a Rotary Dinner and fundraiser with the live band we have known and come to love  XOX..   Our own Rotary member Jasmine Wong is one of the 4 singers. in the band.

This event will be just over the Bridge into Richmond at the continental seafood restauant. There will be prizes, and awards and Live Music.

This is a Fundraiser for the Rotary Foundation and for The Health and Home Care Society of BC

(About Care BC) is an independent and BC-based not-for-profit organization. 
They continually work to achieve our mission: To provide health promotion and supportive care services to communities in British Columbia.  https://www.carebc.ca/
Saturday, September 24th at Locarno Beach in Vancouver! Together with the Vancouver Mountainview and Vancouver Yaletown Rotary clubs, there was a shoreline beach cleanup community volunteer opportunity for our club members. beginning at 9:00am for coffee, followed by equipment distribution and cleanup, then ending with a potluck lunch.
We had a number of our club members join and help make a difference for our BC shoreline.. Thanks to everyone.
SPECIAL THANKS TO TOM & JERRY....  No, Not this Tom & Jerry, but the real ones... the two sons of our newest club members Matt and Miya, the boys came out that day and helped clean up the shoreline, Thanks so much to them... 2 Rotarians in the making for the future!
Raised so far this Year: $25, 338.00
fundraising thermometer
Rotary Foundation $1,870
Polio - $1,696
Giving Tuesday Rotary Foundation- $9,670
BCCare - $1469
Rotary Foundation Xmas drive - $2,897
Food Bank - $1,200
Hoopathon 2023 - $1,025
Rise to Shine Foundation - $1,123

Rotary International President Jennifer Jones wants members to imagine the possibilities in the change they can make to transform the world.

Jones, a member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, revealed the 2022-23 presidential theme, Imagine Rotary, as she urged people to dream big and harness their connections and the power of Rotary to turn those dreams into reality.

Watch the theme address

“Imagine, a world that deserves our best,” Jones told incoming district governors on 20 January, “where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.”

Jones, who will make history on 1 July by becoming Rotary’s first female president, gave a live online address to precede Rotary’s annual training event for district governors from around the world, the International Assembly. The assembly was rescheduled because of the COVID-19 pandemic and will now be held virtually 7-14 February.

Jones told the incoming governors about a chance she took when a member asked for assistance in getting a young peace activist out of Afghanistan during the U.S. troop withdrawal last year. At first unsure how she could help, she relied on “that certain Rotary magic” and contacted a former Rotary Peace Fellow she had met a few years earlier. Less than 24 hours later, the activist was on an evacuation list, and soon she was on her way to Europe.

Rotarians in Southern Scotland have partnered with their counterparts in the US and Canada (District 5050) to deliver a Fire Rescue Truck to the city of Chernihiv in war torn northern Ukraine.

This article was first published on the District 1020 Website.
Chernihiv was under siege from late February until early April and endured some of the fiercest bombing of the war. This resulted in considerable damage, in particular to high rise residential properties where residents were often trapped and unable to escape. The rescue of these residents was rendered particularly difficult because of the height of the buildings, highlighting the need for specialist rescue apparatus to access these very tall buildings.
Kyrylo Pesenkov, president of the Rotary Club of Kyiv appealed to the worldwide Rotary community for their support to address this issue. He had identified a Fire Rescue Truck equipped with a 30 metre long extension ladder which would be the ideal solution to the dilemma facing the Chernihiv rescue services.
The fire truck was sourced from Austria but would cost $50,000 to purchase, upgrade and deliver to Ukraine.
Enter the Rotary Club of Edinburgh.
The Edinburgh club had been one of six clubs worldwide who were instrumental in the setting up of the Kyiv club following the demise of the Soviet Union and the birth of the newly independent Ukraine, the five other partner clubs being based in the USA and Canada.
On the outbreak of war in Ukraine, RI General Secretary John Hewko, himself a charter member of the Kyiv Club, asked the co-sponsor clubs and their districts to collaborate again. Since then, representatives of the Kyiv Club and District, the six sponsor clubs and their Districts have been meeting regularly by Zoom to identify ways to share what is working to raise awareness, donations and RI Disaster Response Grants.
The Edinburgh Club responded swiftly and positively to the appeal from president Kyrylo Pesenkov, and through Zoom were soon in contact with their North American counterparts, devising a strategy to get the Fire Rescue Truck to Chernihiv where it was most needed.
Rotary International had established a Ukraine Disaster Fund to finance and source relief projects to support the citizens of Ukraine. Rotarians worldwide have raised in excess of $15 million for this fund, and grants of up to US$25,000 are available to Rotary Districts who create suitable projects.
The purchase, upgrade and delivery of a Fire Rescue Truck met every aspect of the criteria to be eligible for grant funding, so the Edinburgh Club obtained the support of their own district, D1020, and co-sponsors in District 5050, (Washington State & British Columbia) to move the project forward.
Each District would apply for the maximum grant of $25,000 to fund the $50,000 purchase, upgrade and delivery price.
Both Grants were speedily approved and the wheels were set in motion for the delivery of the Fire Rescue Truck. It was driven to Latvia while the financial arrangements were finalised, then via Poland to the Ukranian border where a reception committee was waiting to make the final leg of the journey to the city of Chernihiv.
The Fire Rescue Truck was safely received by the Chernihiv Fire and Rescue Service on Monday 13th of June and given a traditional hosedown to recognise and welcome the new appliance.
Find out how Rotary districts can apply for a grant from the Disaster Response Fund https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-responds-ukraine-crisis   
Canadian and US Rotary districts may apply for grants of US$25,000 to support Ukraine. Districts can combine disaster response grants to fund larger projects and shipments.
The 3rd Golf event too place on Friday May 27th at Mylora Golf Course in Richmond.  We raised some funds for the Rotary Foundation and had many guests.   
One group got an Eagle, and we had door prizes.
Thanks to everyone that supported this event.
On 19 April, we celebrate the anniversary of Rotary founder Paul Harris’ birth. Paul Harris was born in 1868 in Racine, Wisconsin, USA, and thanks to his vision, today Rotary members around the world are uniting to take action and create lasting change. There are many ways to celebrate on 19 April, including by reading about Harris’ life.
Today, April 1st 2022, Don Patrick marks 50 years of service as a member of the Rotary Club of Squamish. He was recognised at the weekly meeting with a certificate, a cake, and of course a bottle of wine!
Don joined the club on April 1st, 1972. He served as Club President in 1975-76 and has held most other executive positions, including Secretary, Treasurer, and Foundation Chair.
Don started the Club 200 lottery fundraiser and has been the chair for most of its 43 years, raising $10,000/year for the Squamish community. In addition he has been the driving force of the Rotary Bike Safety Rodeos - an annual event in the Squamish Elementary Schools.
Last week our DG Lorne spoke about ShelterBox and the wonderful work they are doing in the Ukraine.
I decided to help out for this cause!   I am selling “I support Ukraine” pins, with net proceeds being donated to ShelterBox Canada —  the pins cost $15 and I am donating $10 — the remainder covers supplies.  Recently I raised $2,500 for the Abbotsford/Merritt flood victims with my BC Strong keychains.
Purchases can be made through me or through my website. https://asyouwishcustomdesigns.com/.../i-support-ukraine...  So far $270 has been raised.
My name is Jasmine Wong, I am one of the newest members of the Rotary Club of Fraserview, I joined because I want to make a difference.   I am a piano teacher, and sometimes a singer/ performer in Vancouver. 
I am also a single mother of four young daughters, and while things at times can be hard especially during COVID, as it has been for everyone, my daughters and myself are shocked and worried about the families, the people in the Ukraine.  As we watch the news and events unfold, my daughters said to me; "Mom this is awful, those poor people what can we do to help them?"   
So,  I have decided that I would like to help by donating money from this week's lessons, and get it to Rotary so that they can get it to an organization that can get help to the families in need.
Our Rotary club is collecting money and then will donate to ShelterBox Canada who can get help to the people of Ukraine. I will start the donations and to start this effort, I am donating $100 to get the fund started, hopefully later I can do more.  Our membership Chair Nigel has already said he will match or beat the donation.... thank you Nigel, so now we have it started.  
Here are the option amounts that you can donate, we will post this here, and send out emails, perhaps if you don't mind, you could all send the same to your friends, family and business contacts with this simple plea from my 4 daughters and myself, can we please do whatever we can to help those families.  
From Our families in Canada to those families in the Ukraine, from our club members in Fraserview to those club members of Rotary Ukraine, which make up a portion of the displaced.
My hope is that we can make a difference for a few.
Thank you
Jasmine Wong,  Rotarian
Here are the ways to donate the links etc:
Simply choose a donation level and we wil donate on your behalf to SHELTOR BOX CANADA, who are raising money for the relief efforts:
$100.00 Donation
Other options/levels:
Hoop-A-Thon 2022
Mark your Calendars…the 2022 Strathcona Rotary Youth Leadership Hoop-A-Thon will be on  Saturday, April 23…
What is Hoop-A-Thon
The Rotary Hoop-A-Thon is an annual basketball fundraising event that helps hundreds of kids in East Vancouver. Money is raised by donations and pledges based on the number of successful free throws a player can sink in one minute.
Watch our German Rotary Partners sink an amazing 71% from the free throw line:
All of the funds raised will go to the kids! Including…

-Grade 12 Post-Secondary Scholarships
-Strathcona Community Centre Basketball Program
-Youth Leadership Training in East Vancouver
Since 2006 ROTARY has raised over $460,000 - helping kids through education,
teamwork, leadership skills, community involvement and respect for others. 
Rotary has no overhead costs for this project…ALL the money you donate goes to the kids!
Who Do We Help?
All of the funds raised from The Strathcona Rotary Youth Leadership Hoop-A-Thon goes to the kids. Money is awarded in scholarships, the SCC Basketball Program and leadership training. 
Scholarships help individual students with their tuition and other costs for college and university. All of the students who receive funding have demonstrated their commitment to community service, youth leadership and volunteerism - and have a verified need for financial support due to family and individual circumstances.

By Iryna Bushmina, District 2232 (Ukraine) Rotaract Representative

Iryna Bushmina
Iryna Bushmina

Ileft Kyiv in the first hours of the war. My sister, her husband, her 3-month-old baby and a cat were in the car. When we reached the border, men were already not allowed to leave the country, so I went on with my sister and a little nephew. We were five days in the car, six days until we got to Vienna.

We stayed for the night in different countries three times. These were not hotels but homes of Rotary and Rotaract families. I used to just say that Rotary International is a big family, now I really believe it. And I am convinced that this is a family that will stand by you. These are no longer beautiful words to me, this is reality.

I was still in the car when I got the idea to mobilize Rotaract Europe. I realized that I was not the only one who needed help and support. My sister was driving, and I had my hands free. I started writing to all chats I knew where there were Rotaractors about the situation in Ukraine. A lot of Rotaractors instantly responded. People immediately created groups with different directions and helped me to lead them. These were not perfectly thought-out projects, but they were projects that started working from the first day.

Rotaract responded very quickly, and I realized that we needed to start very rapidly with the small projects to help Rotarians and Rotaractors of Ukraine find accommodations in other countries. Now, the project has grown, and we are helping many Ukrainians find a new home for the first time. We have lined up more than 2,000 host families to take in refugees.

The requests we are processing vary from assistance with relocating, to finding accommodations, to providing other humanitarian support. Right now, there is a big request for help for the defense forces for helmets, thermal imagers, body armor, and the like.

Some cities ask for simple things – food and water. And that’s what hurts the most. Especially when we all realize that the Russian army is blocking us from bringing humanitarian aid to civilians and they are dying from hunger and dehydration.

There are more than 100 people in my international team alone and around 50 people in the Ukrainian team. I don’t know exactly how many Rotaract members are involved in helping Ukraine. Each country has its own projects. Some clubs also organize assistance separately. Some are more involved, some less, but even the smallest contribution is valuable and could save lives.

We work in four directions:

1. Distribute truthful information about the situation in Ukraine

2. Find accommodation and hosts for Ukrainians in flight

3.  Send humanitarian aid

4. Securing financial support for those that need it

Not all of the people write or express their gratitude. But to be honest, I don’t expect this. After what these people have gone through – the fear, stress, spending three to four days at the border – we do not need them to say, “thank you.” We just need to make sure these people are safe and that they get what they need to survive and help others.

Now is the time for understanding. Of course, when some of the people do write their appreciation, it is a pleasure.

The Rotary Foundation has created a channel for direct humanitarian support in the Ukraine region. Follow updates on how Rotary members are providing humanitarian relief on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn, and on Rotary.org and My Rotary.

Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Things to know about Mário

Get to know your 2025-26 Rotary president, Mário César Martins de Camargo of Brazil

Light a fire under your club

Light a fire under your clubMembers say they thrive with clear, specific goals and the continuity they

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding