Rotarians Making a Difference
To John Wu, Rotarian - Following our conversation last evening, here is the timeline of the break-in at the Friends in Need Food Bank.
On January 5, 2023, at approximately 4:45am three suspects pried open the front door at the food bank administration entrance and set off the alarm. At about 5:30am they came back and smashed their way into the food bank through an upstairs locked door and kicked in each office door looking for anything of value.
The thieves stole three laptops and the small safe that was bolted to the floor. Luckily the safe had been emptied the day before and any gift cards that were inside were all able to be canceled. They then left the building at approximately 6am with whatever they could carry.
We have realized now that our security alarm and camera system needed to be upgraded. Also, all the office doors, the front main aluminum door and the safe needed to be replaced.
We appreciate Columbia Security for coming in and giving us advice on how to better secure our premises and for installing all new cameras and alarms at a reasonable cost. We also thank you John, for personally offering a $500 donation to our organization.
We currently have close to 4000 registered clients that use our services weekly, and our registrations have been increasing by nearly 30 new clients every month for the past year. Our food bank serves clients in Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, the Maple Ridge Seniors Centre, including home delivery for those unable to personally attend our location. We also provide any excess perishable food that we have, to nearly 20 community and non-profit groups in the area.
A break-in like this affects not only our clients but also our volunteers and staff.
Thank you for your help getting us back on our feet.
Despite all the damage, thanks to our volunteers, we were able to continue food service to our clients without missing a day.
Thank you for all you have done to help us get back on our feet.
In addition to his Donation, John is working to install new security systems and provide expertise all free of charge - Thank you John.